Immersive technologies, which includes Augmented Reality (AR), is revolutionizing education by bridging the gap between the classroom and the real world. In December 2021, Meta announced plans to expand its partnership with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), India’s biggest school board, to offer AR training to more than 10 million students and a million teachers, over the next three years.
AR-powered field trips
It’s important for students to step out of the classroom and experience the material that they are studying. This could include historical sites, natural wonders, or even a visit to a courthouse or hospital. These field trips help students engage more deeply with their learning, comparing it to their theoretical classroom learning. With AR, students don’t just visit, they interact. For example, the Forest Explore AR app provides a pre-mapped tour with specific stops. Learners can engage with narrations, photos, videos and quizzes.
Bringing history to life
History can be a thrilling adventure rather than a dry subject. With seamless AR integration, teachers can immerse students in past events. Augmented reality does more than just show; it involves learners in a multisensory journey through history. Imagine standing in a modern city and using your smartphone or AR-enabled device to see history unfold around you.
Medical anatomy and immersive learning
Human anatomy and physiology can be hard to visualize. But with augmented reality, medical students can explore the human body in a lifelike 3D space. For example, there are AR apps that take the static images from textbooks and transform them into interactive models, allowing students to study every aspect of the body in vivid detail. You can read more about how AR is revolutionizing training in healthcare here.
Virtual labs for better recall
In an AR-enhanced lab, simulations become more engaging and informatice. Students get a much more holistic view into the experiment being performed, which improves both understanding and recall. For instance, in a virtual lab on density, students can determine the density for different materials without needing any of the physical materials.
Visualizing architecture and design
Augmented reality allows students and professionals to test and experience their designs in real-time. It also helps with planning and optimizing construction site safety by providing virtual scenarios to anticipate potential issues. AR enhances the capabilities of interior and landscape design by simulating how elements can be arranged in a space before any physical changes are made.
Imbibing culture, language and art
Augmented reality has transformed every sphere of education, including culturally oriented subjects like language learning and art. In a study published in PubMed Central earlier this year, researchers found that when they used AR in teaching Persian as a foreign language, they saw an increased level of satisfaction, enthusiasm and interaction. They also saw enhanced efficiency in learning and memorization.
While AR’s potential in education is vast, the road ahead has its challenges. Firstly, access to AR devices remains a concern and can lead to inequality in learning opportunities. Campaigns like Meta’s are likely to improve the situation in the long term, through the democratization of AR tech availability.
Another major challenge is that content creation for immersive learning experiences can be time-consuming and resource-intensive for educators. But with the right partnerships and expertise, such as what Hornbill FX offers, these obstacles can be overcome.
Immersive technologies are breaking barriers in education, bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to the world. It’s reshaping the way students learn and experience the world. Join the AR revolution! Get in touch with our team to learn more.